Telangana inter supplementary results 2020 to be released this week

TS inter supply results 2020

Telangana inter supplementary results 2020


TS inter supply results 2020: Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) will announce the results of intermediate-advanced supplementary exams this week.

TS inter supply results 2020: Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) will announce the results of intermediate-advanced supplementary exams this week.

As the government cancelled the intermediate supplementary exams for second-year students due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the intermediate board will announce the results by giving minimum qualifying marks for the students passing them under the compartmental category.

All the intermediate second-year students who failed in the IPE March 2020 will be passed with minimum qualifying marks. With the government's decision, as many as 1.47 lakh students will benefit and they can apply for admissions into conventional degree and professional courses without any delay.

Around 69.61 per cent second-year intermediate students passed in IPE out of the total 3,74,492 who had appeared for the exams. While in vocational courses, 37,139 candidates attended exams of which 61.28 per cent have passed.

However, the intermediate first year failed students should attend the supplementary exams to get passed. They will not be declared pass with minimum qualifying marks.

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