Andhra Pradesh tops in implementation of health schemes in the state
Andhra Pradesh tops in implementation of health schemes in the state
Andhra Pradesh has made significant progress in the implementation of health schemes under the National Health Mission. A study by the National Health Mission (NHM) found that over the past year and a half, some schemes have been ahead of other states in implementation. The states of Gujarat, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh competed in many schemes. Under these circumstances, NHM officials said that Andhra Pradesh came in first, pushing Gujarat into second position. State Family Welfare Department officials said that the implementation of some other schemes is likely to be taken up soon.
The National Health Mission is giving high priority to the control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In this, Andhra Pradesh has stood number one in the country. A household survey of five crore people was conducted to diagnose diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
The NHM study revealed that measures have been taken to provide free drugs to every village by 104 vehicles. The state also ranks first in the management of health and wellness centres. There are more than 10,000 health and wellness centres in the state, of which 8,604 new buildings are under construction. B.Sc Nursing graduates have already been appointed as mid-level health providers for half the centres.
Significant growth has been achieved in providing mainly 12 types of services. This has saved millions of rural people from having to go to hospitals. The AP is now at the forefront of the process of linking RCH (Reproductive Child Health) to a centrally-run portal that constantly monitors the health of pregnant women and postpartum care. On the other hand, Kerala and Tamil Nadu are at the forefront of maternal and infant mortality control and family control.