AP Cabinet Meeting: Five promises including Mega DSC approved

Update: 2024-06-24 12:45 IST

In the first cabinet meeting after the formation of the coalition government in Andhra Pradesh, important decisions were taken under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Chandrababu. Minister Kolusu Parthasarathy disclosed the details of the decisions to the media, highlighting the government's focus on education, land titling, pensions, and other key areas.


One of the major decisions taken was the appointment of teachers, with 16,347 posts being filled to address the neglect of the previous government. The cabinet also decided to repeal the Land Titling Act, which was met with relief by landowners. Additionally, the distribution of pensions to 65.30 lakh beneficiaries was approved, with an increase in the pension amount to Rs. 4000.

Minister Parthasarathy announced plans for a skill census and the reopening of canteens to provide nutritional food for the poor at affordable prices. The cabinet also decided to rename the Health University after NTR and appointed Dammalapati Srinivasan as AG. A sub-committee was formed to address the issue of ganja prevention, and sanitation works in panchayats and municipalities were ordered to start immediately.

Furthermore, the government is set to release seven consecutive white papers on various topics, including Polavaram, Amaravati, electricity, environment, peace and security, liquor, sand, and mine, starting from the end of this month. These white papers are expected to provide transparency and information on key issues facing the state.



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