AP Education Dept. issues guidelines on merger of aided schools, students can choose desired school
Litigations bog down Telangana education department (Representational Image)
The school education department released certain procedures to be followed in the case of aided schools where the management has agreed to merge the student enrollment or aided schools in the state under the purview of the public education department. The Regional Joint Directors directed the DEOs to take steps to enroll the students in these aided schools in another school nearby as per their parents' wishes. "These students should be enrolled in the respective schools by the 31st of this month and the information should be uploaded in the Child Info," RJDs asserted.
Meanwhile, the teachers in the respective aided schools will be recruited in other schools according to their seniority. The schedule was also released by the school's director of education, Vadrevu Chinaveerabhadrudu
According to the schedule, the district-level seniority list of teachers will be prepared from October 20 to 22 and will be displayed till 5 pm on October 24. The objections will be received from October 24 to 27 followed by resolving the objections and preparation of the final Seniority List Announcement by October 31.
The vacancy position would be displayed on November 1 and the registration of web options will be held from November 2 to 5 followed by the release of allocation orders on November 6 and reporting in schools on November 7.