AP Intermediate Supplementary Exam Results to be Released today

The results of the Intermediate Supplementary Examinations are set to be released on Tuesday, June 18th. The Inter second year results will be declared first, followed by the Inter first year results. Students can check their results by entering their details on the official website.
The intermediate first and second year supplementary examinations conducted from May 24 to June 1 in various centers across the state of Andhra Pradesh. A total of 1,37,587 second year students appeared for these examinations.
This year, the Inter Board has introduced digital evaluation of answer sheets for the first time. The results of the inter-second year exams will be announced on June 26th.
The Inter first and second year regular results were announced on April 22nd. Students who did not pass these exams had the opportunity to take the supplementary examinations from May 24 to June 1.