Awareness of technology key to deal with cybercrimes: Experts

Update: 2021-08-25 01:44 IST

Krishna district SP Siddharth Kaushal taking part in a workshop on cybercrimes in Machilipatnam on Tuesday

Machilipatnam: Assistant Director, Forensic Lab, Vijayawada, L Siva Prasad said the police officials should have awareness on the technology being used by the cybercriminals and their modus operandi.

He said the cybercriminals are targeting the mobile users and resorting to different types of crimes.

He participated in the one-day workshop conducted by Krishna district police here on Tuesday. Krishna district Superintendent of Police Siddharth Kaushal inaugurated the workshop on cybercrime to create awareness among the police officials. Experts in cybercrimes subject narrated how cybercriminals are using technology to rob and cheat the people and how the police can detect the criminals doing justice to the victims of cybercrime.


Siva Prasad explained how the forensic lab uses evidence to prove the guilt and help the police to nab the criminals. He explained the changing technology and other details. He explained handling and collection of electronic evidences.

Vijayawada cybercrime police station inspector K Srinivasa Rao explained the lines of investigation in cybercrimes and case studies on different cybercrimes. He explained how the cybercriminals are robbing the money from the bank accounts and tactics being used by the cybercriminals to cheat the smart phone users. He said many people became victims of the cybercrimes and facing many hardships. He explained how the cybercrime victims can lodge the complaint to the police and take the help of police to get justice.

He explained the responsibilities of the police personnel in cybercrimes investigation. He said even the educated people are falling prey to the cybercriminals. He explained the previous cases solved by the cybercrime station.

Deputy Director of prosecutions V Rajendra Prasad, Eye Cube solutions principal developer B Karunakar Reddy, Additional Superintendent of Police Satyanarayana and others spoke on the occasion. They explained the technical aspects of cybercrime and how the mobile signals play very important role in detecting and arresting the criminals.

Deputy Superintendent of Police Dharmendra, Masum Basha, Mahaboob Basha, N Satyanandam and others attended the workshop.



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