Crime rate dips in Vizag city

Update: 2022-12-30 00:55 IST

City Police Commissioner Ch Srikanth briefing the media in Visakhapatnam on Thursday

VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam city police have succeeded in bringing atrocities against women and providing a safe place for them by minimising the overall crime rate. The reason for this includes launching various campaigns and initiatives apart from increasing the surveillance across the city.

Sharing the annual report here in the city, Commissioner of Police Ch Srikanth said efforts would be intensified in the coming year to reduce the crime rate even further.


Last year, as many as 14,315 cases were registered in various police stations. Meanwhile, the number has come down to 10,834 this year. Visible policing, keeping a close watch on rowdy sheeters, curbing ganja transportation at various points were some of the reasons attributed to the decreased crime rate in the city, the CP mentioned.

Road accidents have come down to 1,327 against 1,463 registered in 2021. Action against drunken drive, helmet awareness, measures across the black spots, traffic streamlining are some of the measures that aided the police to control the accidents.

Meanwhile, cybercrime has increased drastically in the city. "People have lost Rs 16.33 crore in 610 cybercrime cases registered this year, while people lost Rs 9.32 crore in 316 cases registered last year," shared the CP, adding that the recovery rate in cybercrimes is very minimal. Also, property offences too have increased in the port city. This year, 847 such cases were registered, while 788 cases recorded last year. Of the 847 cases, 67 percent cases were resolved.



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