Drinking water problem plagues Srikakulam

Update: 2023-02-26 02:36 IST
Srikakulam:  The Srikakulam district still has no drinking water solution even though the Nagavali River flows through it. Nagavali River will be dry between February and July every year. As a result, residents of several areas in and around Srikakulam city are unable to get drinking water.

Due to insufficient water supply, residential areas situated at upper areas are unable to get water. Topographically several areas in Srikakulam city are located at low lying and upper areas. HB Colony and either side of Palakonda road are unable to get sufficient water. Separate water supply system is required for upper and low lying areas but it remained only as suggestion from officials.


Previously, Srikakulam Municipal Corporation (SMC) water supply engineering wing officials proposed to construct Dyke across the Nagavali River to store flowing water and to draw sufficient quantity through infiltration tanks. Later, Groyne was also proposed across the river to divert available water towards infiltration tanks. But, these projects also remained on papers only.

"We are unable get sufficient water from February to July and we are consulting with irrigation, public health department and our water supply wing officials to find out permanent construction across the river at suitable location," said SMC commissioner, Ch Obuleshu.



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