ENC carries out mangrove plantation, clean-up drive

Update: 2024-06-09 08:00 IST

Clean-up activity being carried out by the Eastern Naval Command on the occasion of ‘World Ocean Day’ on Saturday

Visakhapatnam : Markingthe ‘World Ocean Day’, the Indian Navy organised a mangrove plantation and beach clean-up drive.

The Indian Navy’s Eastern Naval Command (ENC) conducted a beach clean-up drive along with a mangrove plantation activity across the eastern seaboard.

The initiative is aimed at commemorating the ‘World Ocean Day’ and encouraging communities to do their bit to the oceans. The event saw massive participation from naval, DSC, and defence civilian personnel, along with their family members.


Through the event, the ENC aimed at raising awareness about the ocean’s vital role in sustaining life on earth, underlining the need to protect marine life from pollution and improve ocean ecosystems. As part of the event, volunteers collected, segregated, and disposed of debris and plastic waste.

By engaging in such initiatives, the Indian Navy aims to inspire communities to join the quest to conserve oceans and the planet.



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