Encourage alternatives to China products

Update: 2020-06-30 00:08 IST
Encourage alternatives to China products

Srikakulam: Many celebrities give call for 'Boycott Chinese goods.' Is it damaging China by this kind of calls? By giving up made in China products - Can we hit the dragon country commercially? There are many complications in it. Let's delve deep into it to reveal facts.

China strongly wants to show its hegemony in the world by hook or crook. Entering WTO is great boon for China actually it has utilised it to the maximum extent. There is no press freedom; right to speech in China frankly speaking its in medieval times as far as modern liberties are concerned. We have long border with Tibet, which was occupied by China. There are many disputes with aggression of China.


When the whole world pinpoints China about corona outspread and the USA imposes restrictions, the Dragon country pulled India into dispute to divert the attention of the world. It is a strategy but our celebrities to common men would like to take revenge China by hitting it financially.

Boycott China and ban china products became a buzzword in the social media. War of words waged on Facebook and Twitter. But frankly speaking, we are far behind in economy in comparison with China.

Common men cannot understand but can we stop China at this juncture? The reality is different. China exported only 2.5 per cent of its foreign exports to India in 2018 but we have China as third biggest business partner. We usually import pharma products, infra and telecom gear, semiconductors, electrical infrastructure from China.

Thirty per cent of automobile spare parts, 50 per cent of cycle parts, 70 per cent of cell phones and 90 per cent of dolls are imported from china alone.

When there is a dispute, its common to get emotionally charged. But calls like boycott China are going further damages the India's reputation globally. If we boycott China, we have to depend on Bangladesh, Vietnam or South Korea. We boycotted foreign cloths during freedom movement, no use of Japan cars in 1980s in USA, Middle East movement of no America products were temporary emotional movements.

But the targeted country will be at no loss, so China too takes it for granted. When India's packages are useful for industries and for more production that cater the needs of people then this kind of boycott calls are going to have some meaning.

Even 70 percentages of spare parts in Indian made phones and the major Indian gods idols are imported from China, its useless to give boycott calls instead celebrities and governments should educate the common people to use Make in India products.

India is doing well inservice exports than China similarly encourage Indian entrepreneurs to make alternatives to China products and apps to globalize Make in India.

India is the youngest nation in the world with 65 per cent of population less than 35 years and 50 per cent of population less than 25 years is ultimate point to India to conquer next three decades over China in manufacturing and other allied activities. To make it happen at least 150-200 million young people should be given proper skill development. Indian cabinet ministers average age is more than 70 years, in my opinion it is one of the major drawback in taking important decisions which impacts Indian youth to compete with global level skill standards.

The mindset of youngest youth is always more powerful, we need qualified young brains along with old experienced ministers in Indian Union cabinet.

Indian and India's state governments should minimize the expenditure on welfare schemes; instead provide skill development and quality work to Indian youth, educate Indian youth through celebrities to stands on their feet. Indian youth also should focus on acquiring global level skill instead of depending on welfare schemes/unemployment money from government.  

 Brief comparison of India and China in important parameters



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