Heavy rains lash out Vijayawada and disrupt normal life

Update: 2020-07-19 15:57 IST

Heavy rains in Vijayawada

The Krishna district has been experiencing incessant rains with thunder and lightning since Sunday morning. Low lying areas were inundated by heavy rains with the ponds and rivers in the district overflowing due to the rains which have already been pouring for three days. Traffic on the roads was disrupted due to flooding in some places with rainwater. In
city, the roads are flooded with rainwater.

One Town, Polyclinic Road, Nakkala Road, Ganapathy Rao Road, Gandhi statue Center, Mahalakshmi Temple Street, Naijam Gate Center Road, and other areas were submerged. Rainwater seeped into homes in Rotary City in the One Town area. As a result, the homeless are in dire straits.

The southwest monsoon has been active across coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema. The rains occurred at most places in the state. Moreover, it is predicted that moderate to heavy rain would occur at many places in Andhra Pradesh.  



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