Kadapa: SP warns of action against election offenders

Update: 2024-05-28 09:41 IST

SP Siddharth Kaushal inspecting arrangements at counting centre in Kadapa on Monday

Kadapa: District SP Siddharth Kaushal has taken decisive action against individuals involved in crimes during 2024 general elections. In a statement released here on Monday, the SP announced that history sheets have been opened against 40 individuals, who committed election-related offenses.

The SP emphasised that non-bailable sections will be registered against those already facing charges, ensuring that offenders face stringent legal consequences. He also warned that individuals likely to disrupt peace and order during the vote counting process will face house arrest and district expulsion as preventive measures.

He made it clear that any attempts to commit crimes or disturb peace during or after the counting will be met with severe legal action, including the opening of rowdy sheets and registration of cases under strict sections.



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