Nutri gardens meet daily menu needs of tribals in Pedabayalu mandal

Update: 2023-06-24 06:21 IST

A tribal tending a nutri garden developed at Pedabayalu mandal in Alluri Sitharama Raju district 

Visakhapatnam: In an endeavour to meet daily nutritional needs of the tribals, make them self-reliant in tackling anemia where a majority of them suffer from and empower them with added income source, Farmers Producers Organisation (FPO) Susag Millets lend support to help them grow ‘nutri gardens’ at their backyards, neighbouring farms and open spaces.


After carrying out a door-to-door survey in the region, a majority of women and children were found to be anaemic. To address the issue at the micro level, Sarada Valley Development Samithi (SVDS), a community-based organisation working for the upliftment of tribals in multiple verticals for the past three decades, has embarked on the nutri garden concept in collaboration with the Azim Premji Foundation in Pedabayalu mandal of Alluri Sitharama Raju district.

The nutri gardens include organically grown nutrient-dense veggies along with assorted creepers and green leafy vegetables, pulses and fruits.

Last year, the green patches garnered an encouraging response as 240 such gardens were developed in various villages across the mandal. With over 300 nutri gardens already grown this year, the SVDS intends to add 400 more green patches stretching up to 15 to 20 cents each in vacant yards, neighbouring farms across the region. “Susag Millets FPO, associated with the SVDS, is working with 3,500 families spread across 78 villages in seven panchayats of the mandal for the project. About 2,200 millet sisters from the FPO have been engaged in the endeavour wherein the nutri gardens are developed with the support of Rythu Sadhikara Samstha and Krishi Vignan Kendra,” shares Karri Jogi Naidu, secretary of SVDS with The Hans India.

With a good prospect for ridge gourd, sweet potato, radish, a variety of leafy vegetables, turmeric and ginger, tribals of Galaganda, Gamparai, Vanabangi, Lakshmipeta and Sreekari villages, among other hamlets, are encouraged to grow organic nutri gardens.

Close to 40 locals are trained as ‘sangamitras’ who would encourage locals to grow organic gardens. “The sangamitras will procure excess veggies grown in nutri gardens to sell them in the market. Through the platform, the locals meet their daily menu needs for months,” adds Jogi Naidu.

The initiative not just aids the tribals to whip up healthy meals laden with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants but also allows them to make extra money.



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