Ongole Municipal Corporation publishes voter classification list

Update: 2019-06-05 00:34 IST
Ongole Municipal Corporation publishes voter classification list

Ongole: The Ongole Municipal Corporation has published the SC, ST, BC and women voters' classification list for all divisions on Tuesday. OMC commissioner K Sakunthala announced in a statement that as per the orders of the state election commission to identify the SC, ST, BC and women voters in the local bodies, the OMC has conducted a survey in the 50 divisions from May 21, 2019 to June 1, 2019.


She said that in the classification, they found that there are a total of 18,17,50 voters in the corporation limits including 93,980 women, 87,736 men and 34 third gender people. The corporation also found that there are 3,358 STs including 1,781 ST women, 28,233 SCs including 14,845 SC women and 51,913 BCs including 27,114 BC women in the town.

The commissioner announced that the classification data is published in the corporation for public response and asked the people with objections or claims to submit them through Form 2 and Form 3 respectively from June 5, 2019 to June 9, 2019.



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