Oral hygiene key for overall health
Ch SD St Theresa’s College for Women faculty and students participating in guest lecture on oral hygiene
Eluru: A guest lecture was organised on the occasion of National Service Scheme Day (NSS) by the NSS units of Ch SD St Theresa’s College for Women on Oral Hygiene by Dr Pavana Jyothi at St Joseph’s Dental College in Duggirala.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for preventing dental problems and promoting overall health. All the first-year students participated in this guest lecture.
Dr Jyothi Paul, Head of the Department of Nutrition organised the programme and coordinator Dr K Sree Latha and NSS POs P Poojitha, K Beulah Swaroopa and P Vijaya Lakshmi participated in the programme. Later, saplings were distributed to the students.