Rich tributes paid to Babasaheb Ambedkar in Tirupati

Update: 2020-04-15 01:45 IST
MLA Bhumana Karunakar Reddy garlanding the statue of B R Ambedkar to mark his 129th birth anniversary, in Tirupati on Tuesday

Tirupati: Rich tributes were paid to constitution architect and legal luminary Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on the occasion of his 129th birth anniversary here on Tuesday.

Due to lockdown, various associations and leaders limited the birth anniversary celebration with the paying floral tributes to the statue or his portrait of Ambedkar devoid of any fanfare or meeting.


Deputy Chief Minister K Narayana Swamy, Panchayat Raj Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy and District Collector Dr N Bharat Gupta, who were here for the video conference with Chief Minister, paid floral tributes to the portrait of Ambedkar in RDO office.

Narayana Swamy and Ramachandra Reddy said that Ambedkar's lifelong struggle for the emancipation of the downtrodden and oppressed communities is historic and will remain an eternal source of inspiration for all those championing the cause the much neglected people in the society.

MLA Bhumana Karunakar Reddy along with Municipal Corporation Commissioner P S Girisha garlanded the portrait of Ambedkar in the Corporation Office here.

Eulogizing Ambedkar as a messiah of downtrodden, he said Ambedkar with a foresight strived his best for the education of the oppressed and depressed classes as education is the only tool for the upliftment of them and also to put an end to the discrimination they have been facing since centuries.

Marking the occasion, MLA distributed essentials provided by AFCONs the executioner of Garuda Varadhi flyover construction, to the 400 employees working in Water Works department and a stream of leaders one after another garlanded the statue of Ambedkar near RTC bus stand and paid rich tributes to the great leader.

They include AP SC ST Welfare Association leader Paramasivan, Thyagaraju and Prasad Rao. Former MLA M Suguna, TTD Staff and Workers Federation led by G Venkateswarlu and others are among host of leaders who paid tributes to Ambedkar.



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