Tirupati: Lockdown brings down garbage generation significantly

Update: 2020-05-17 06:01 IST
The 55-day lockdown has reduced hundreds of tonnes of garbage generation in temple city

Tirupati: The 55-day lockdown has reduced hundreds of tonnes of garbage generation in temple city. Following the implementation of strict lockdown restrictions, all the hotels, restaurants and fast food centres were shut for the last two months. The litter contamination has come down significantly in the city.

According to an official from MCT public health department, they used to collect 260 tonnes of garbage daily from households and commercial establishments. Hotels and restaurants used to produce large quantities of garbage. But now, we are collecting very lesser quantities, he much lesser, he said.


Collection of garbage has turned out to be an easy job due to closure of hotels and restaurants. Before the lockdown, municipal staff were going to hotels and collecting bulk quantities of bio-waste like leftover food and vegetable waste etc. Now, the staff are collecting garbage from households only.

As per the MCT statistics, hotels and restaurants produce as much as 2,750 tonnes of garbage in 55 days. Due to closure of the hotels, restaurants and food centres, garbage was not produced.

MCT sanitary supervisor S Govardhan said to The Hans India that there was no garbage from hotels and restaurants in the city during lockdown. "Our workload has come down less in these 55 days. Transportation expenditure also has come down during the period, he added.



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