Two injured after being knocked down by Former Minister son's car near Visakhapatnam RK beach
In a road accident occurred in Visakha on Saturday night, two men injured after the former minister Bandaru Satyanarayana son Appal Naidu car hit a two wheeler. Later, he escaped from the spot. But the locals noticed and caught Satyanarayana's friends.
The locals reported that Appala Naidu drove the car fast while drunk. Upon learning the accident, the police reached the scene and seized the car. Police said the car rammed into divider and struck the statues of shrubs next to it. Police have identified two other youths, Praveen and Maurya, including the son of a retired police officer, in the car.
Police believe the crash accident occurred due to Rash driving under the influence of alcohol. Bandaru Appala Naidu's father, Satyanarayana has served as MLA and minister. Appala Naidu is the brother in law of MP Kinjarapu Ram Mohan Naidu