Update on Indian Army HADR Operations in Vijayawada

Update: 2024-09-06 17:20 IST

Secunderabad : The Indian Army HADR operations column has been pro actively addressing the situation in Vijayawada following breaches in three critical locations. The initial breaches, identified as Breach 1 and Breach 2, each ranging from 10-15 meters in width, have been temporarily plugged by the Civil administration stabilizing the situation momentarily.


However, this temporary solution has led to a funneling effect, increasing the water flow significantly at the third breach site, which spans approximately 80-100 meters. The water current at this location is currently between 6-8 knots, with projections suggesting it might escalate to 10-12 knots.

To counter this, the team plans to employ a robust two-layer strategy using Gabion baskets, each measuring 5x2x2 meters. These baskets will be stacked atop one another and filled with stones to fortify the breach. Following the placement of the Gabion baskets, a protective bund reachi.



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