Venkataramannagudem: YSR Horticultural University celebrates 5th convocation
Venkataramannagudem (West Godavaridistric) : Dr YSR Horticultural University celebrated its 5th Convocation Ceremony on Friday. Governor and Chancellor of university S Abdul Nazeer who attended the programme in his speech dwelt on the valuable contribution to the field of horticulture by the university.
Joining the Chancellor was Prof Ramesh Chand, a member of NITI (National Institute for Transforming India) Aayog and renowned agricultural economist. Dr T Janakiram, vice-chancellor of the Dr YSRHU, welcomed Chancellor and chief guest Abdul Nazeer, Dr Ramesh Chand, university officers, members of Board of Directors, Academic Council, teaching and non-teaching staff, students and parents. He spoke about the university’s achievements in education, research and extension.
DrYSR Horticultural University, second of its kind in the country, was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh on June 26, 2007. This university is functioning with a mandate to develop human resources through education, research and extension in horticulture and allied sectors.
A total of 43 institutions comprising fourcolleges of horticulture, fourhorticultural polytechnics, 20 research stations and four Krishi Vigyan Kendras in the government sector, 4 private horticultural colleges and 7 private horticultural polytechnics affiliated to this University are functioning under the control of the university.
DrYSRHU was accredited with Grade-A by the National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board (NAEAB)-Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi (ICAR).
The university has been providing regular skill training programmes on latest technologies like drone, dry flower technology to promote women entrepreneurs, nursery management in horticultural crops and other fields.