How quantum computing can open new realms of possibilities

Update: 2022-04-12 00:52 IST

How quantum computing can open new realms of possibilities

In less than five years, a talent without quantum computing is likely to become obsolete, as it will be the platform on which every other technology will be working. Corporate leaders like Google, IBM, and Microsoft are extending their hands as well, alongside the initiatives of the government by making available their quantum computers through the cloud to encourage the startups to contribute to research, software support, and hardware design


Technologies have never tired me nor stopped surprising me. In my near 20 years of profession, I have seen multiple technologies emerging and changing the face of the world. I, being a tech enthusiast, have delved into the depth of high-end technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), deep learning, IoT, DevOps, AWS, NLP, and cloud computing. But quantum computing has caught my attention not because of its sophistication, but the potential it holds to rule the current technologies and the way it works.

I saw the quantum computing technology move from paper to tool to a platform in a matter of fewer than three years! When I plunged into the reason behind this exponential growth, the potential of quantum computing came as the only reason. The world has come to the end of what is possible from a classical supercomputer. If the world is to face yet another crisis like the ongoing pandemic, it needs to armor itself with a technology that can offer more resilience.

When the Indian government announced Rs8,000 crore for quantum computing in Union Budget 2020, I saw it as an urge for the country to gear up toward the technology of the future. It is now the time for the technologists to take forward the amazing initiative by raising themselves to the occasion by contributing to the quantum world. When I emphasize our own contribution to the future of quantum computing, we are not alone or lone warriors.

The Indian government has already set up the ground for us to utilize in the form of many collaborations. The QSim by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is one such opportunity for the enthusiasts to contribute, even if it is a small step, towards building up commercially viable quantum computers. The tech world is currently in a deficit of quantum experts, which, as a trainer, pushed me towards setting up the stage for the future workforce of the quantum world.

In less than five years, a talent without quantum computing is likely to become obsolete, as it will be the platform on which every other technology will be working. Corporate leaders like Google, IBM, and Microsoft are extending their hands as well, alongside the initiatives of the government by making available their quantum computers through the cloud to encourage the startups to contribute to research, software support, and hardware design.

The ecosystem of quantum computing is already moving in a healthy relationship with every player in the technological world, contributing toward the fully operational quantum computer. The industries like finance, defense, manufacturing, banking, and everyone dealing with massive data are in the move toward using the advantage of quantum 'qubits' to understand the complexity of data. Pharmacological industries are in research for the quantum algorithm that will support them to give more intricate details like size, pattern, shape, and alignment to the researchers to come up with new drugs.

The telecom industry has opened a myriad of opportunities for quantum computing in its sector through the quantum lab of the Military College of Telecommunication Engineering in MP. By extending its research and training to quantum communication, QKD, post-quantum cryptography, and quantum computing, the proof of technological viability is proved for us all.

Along with going ahead with the technology, securing ourselves from the cyber and communication threats from the emerging technology is another need of the hour. Since the photon-based communication aided by the quantum-key-encrypted signal proves to be a capable way to secure communication, our ISRO and defense sectors are likely to be benefitted from it. Such impenetrable technology can put India in the leading role in quantum computing.

The sectors and the government have already put in their effort and rendered an open hand to the quantum computing world. Now, the institutions and individuals possess the responsibility to make themselves acquainted with the new and mandatory technology, to not only secure their place but also to play their role in taking forward this quantum supremacy.

(The author is a known Technologist; a Technology Motivational Speaker and Founder of LW Informatics) 



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