Feb 09 : Events

Yaga Sala:

Today’s morning program started with the Ashtakshari manthra chanting. It was a unique spectacle to see all the devotees of all walks of life Vedic pandits, women, men, youth, literates, illiterates, blue and white collared professionals, rich and poor gather at one place to chant the manthra. After the morning Aradhana , veda vinnapams- Vedic hymns were offered to the lord.


These mantras have been chanted in 15 pa:ra:yanasa:las in all yagasala mandapas. In this sahasra kunda maha yajnam more than 1000 Vedic scholars from all the branches have gathered here to recite the vedas as an offering to the God.

One of the ruthwiks mentioned that, “It is not possible to repay what my guru has done for me. All I can do is chant the Vedic mantras I have learnt as an offering to Him.”

Many Vedic Pandits were sent by TTD and AP and Telangana endowments departments. All ruthwiks are chanting the Vedic mantras out of love and devotion.

Vedas are “apourusheyas” not written by humans; “nithyas” - eternal; “sruthis ” - passed on from gurus to sishyas by word of mouth without using books; “sabdas” - manthras.

Out of 1131 branches from 4 Vedas, only 9 branches have left today. These branches are recited every day as part of the homa.

It was Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji who brought the learned teachers and students willing to learn at one place and did a Herculean task of protecting a few branches such as maithrayani sakha, otherwise would have been extinct. Bhashya pandits, Vedic scholars - Ghana, Krama Pati, Jhata pandits from all across the country including Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Brundavan, Kashmir etc. have congregated here to chant the ve:das.

What is the use of all these Prayanams?

These Sathkarmas bless the country with prosperity. It will alleviate the pandemic conditions and bless the world with peace, harmony,happiness and provide strength to body,mind and manas. All karmas - actions which we have to perform right from our birth to death are clearly elucidated in all the Vedas. Yajur Veda explains about what, how, when, where and why about Yajna.

What is Yajna?

Yajna means “Yajnovai Vishnuhu” Such a great Yajnam is being conducted by Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.

A vedic pandit Sriman Prakasha Raja Sarma said - “My father participated in such Yajnam conducted by Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji. Now I am blessed to attend this event conducted by Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. I hope my son gets to attend such Yajnam conducted by the descendent of Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji and thus continue the tradition“.

In this 1035 kunda maha yajnam, thousands of Vedic scholars from all the branches have gathered here to recite the Vedas as an offering to the god.

"It is not possible to repay what my guru has done to me.All we can do is to chant the Vedic mantras, we have learnt as an offering to him".

One very learned scholar said that it is his duty to come and chant hereas this is his gurustha:nam as he has learned his vedic branch here and grew leaps and bounds in terms of knowledge and success.

Purnahuthi was ended around 2 pm today

Pravachana Mandapam

Pravachana Mandapam opened at 9:30 am today with a divine opportunity to embellish one's intellect, jnana for devotees to perform a:ra:dhana to Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Swamy, One with a horse face, He who saved the Vedas. It was done under the aegis of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji.

• 30 children aged 5 to 15 years from Kamala Dance academy of Smt.Surekha Dasari garu, Hyderabad performed 5 stunning Bharatanatyam dances. The dance included songs of Sri.Ramadasu - 'Thakkuvemi manaku', 'Jagadapu chanuvula jajara'. Their depiction of 10 avataras of The Supreme Lord captured attention of the audience.

• Smt.S.P. Padmasri garu, M.A in Music, founder of Swara Music academy presented a vocal Carnatic rendition. Her gaanam on ‘Gaaname Dhyanamaina vaariki’ in Lakshmi Priya raagam, composed by Sri. Tirupathi Ponna Rao garu enthralled the audience.

• Sri. Karri Nagaraju Kishore Kumar garu with his dance on ‘Kalinga Nirthana Thillana’ furrowed the audience into a cultural world.

• Today's spiritual discourses included golden words by Sri Satuluri Gopala Krishnamacharya Swami, Sri Kandadai Ramanujacharya Swami, Sri Murali Krishnamacharya Swami, Sri Bhashyam Srinivasacharya Swami and Smt.Choodamani garu.


Update: 2022-02-09 13:18 GMT

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