Gender equality is when people of all genders have... ... International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates: Women Tech Leaders on "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow"

Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. Sustainable development depends on ending discrimination towards women and providing them equal access to education and opportunities for employment. On top of that, women face several obstacles like sexual harassment, pressure to fulfill gender roles, and having to carry out the majority of unpaid care work and labour-heavy chores. Even when women do work, the gender pay gap means they aren’t earning as much as men. Unless women have access to empowerment opportunities and as long as a country is unsafe for women, it cannot develop fully. However, over the recent past, women’s lives are getting better as attitudes change and educational opportunities improve in India. Steadily increasing access to education is helping women gain newfound power and respect. Undoubtedly, education will be the single biggest driver of change for girls and women over the next decade.

Bistriti Poddar Chief Communication Officer, uKnowva

Update: 2022-03-08 05:14 GMT

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