International Women's Day 2022: There is no... ... International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates: Women Tech Leaders on "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow"

International Women's Day 2022: There is no question that a great deal of progress has been made toward gender equality, and this progress is particularly evident in the workplace. There also is no question that the goal of full gender equality has not yet been achieved. One of the most visible negative results of these ingrained gender roles is the deep segregation of professions. I believe no profession should be given a designated gender, it hampers the chance of knowing what the other person brings in. Our beliefs about ourselves are important in shaping all kinds of important decisions, such as what colleges we apply to, which career paths we choose, and whether we are willing to contribute ideas in the workplace.


A common stereotype is that women are not aggressive enough for leadership positions. They are viewed as caretakers, whereas men are viewed as assertive. When women display assertive, or aggressive behaviour within organizations they are then viewed as unstable, and therefore unable to handle stress or manage groups. This is particularly prevalent in male-dominated organizations, especially those that have few to no female leaders, or even female employees. Women still have to prove their loyalty every day," because loyal to work is mostly seen as disloyalty to family.

Vidhi Wadhwa, Founder, Bail Naturals

Update: 2022-03-08 10:58 GMT

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