International Women's Day 2022: One’s HOME is... ... International Women's Day 2022 Live Updates: Women Tech Leaders on "gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow"

International Women's Day 2022: One’s HOME is the first SCHOOL to learn culture and hence learning “Gender Equality” starts at home. All the women in the family must be respected at home for the younger male family members to learn to respect other women. It depends on us to instil a culture which remains in conscious and subconscious mind of our next generation.


We see that today’s female professionals are increasingly finding their seats at the table. Not only are they bringing innovation, empathy, and originality, but they are also creating a sustainable landscape for businesses in the post-pandemic world. Having said that, many women in India still face workplace biases and inequalities like a gender pay gap that affects their growth. It is very important to maintain a sustainable society with a huge focus on gender equality. Equal considerations, equal respect, and equal opportunities irrespective of gender are what is needed to be on the path of sustainability.

An environment devoid of gender bias will foster more women's entry into all industries. We need women to bring in their way of thinking, to be able to influence products, to be able to influence decisions and processes. It is quite encouraging that today, women are in great positions everywhere. They have proved their mettle. It is important that we have more women come in as this will automatically influence workplace environments and we will be on a fast-paced journey towards gender equality. Capability and skills should determine employment and progress. Once in a job, equal considerations for all in an equal playing field would create a gender-neutral environment with an absolute focus on the goals and objectives of an organization facilitated by the best talent, irrespective of gender. Hence, setting up diversity goals is of utmost importance. Needless to say, gender neutrality can not be achieved without gender equality.

Aparajita Mukhopadhyay, COO, Intrcity

Update: 2022-03-08 12:16 GMT

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