Dr Lalit Singh - CEO of TelioEV

Let us honor the innovative spark that lights a sustainable future on this National Technology Day! Leading electric vehicle charging platform TelioEV is a perfect example of this kind of thinking, connecting companies and schools. We understand that green ideas are bred in classrooms as much as boardrooms.

By fostering curiosity, giving young brains STEM skills, and enabling them to turn their ideas into solutions, we can raise a generation of sustainability advocates. Imagine students collaborating in schools to build apps to fight climate change or to find sustainable energy sources!

We reiterate today our dedication to supporting an innovative culture that is sustainable. Let us promise to encourage young brains by giving them the tools and chances they need to succeed. From school to startup, they can become the designers of a more environmentally friendly future.

Update: 2024-05-11 11:20 GMT

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