Sanjjanaa Galrani Conversion To Islam Not Important: Bigg Boss' Pratham
Sanjjanaa Galrani Conversion To Islam Not Important: Bigg Boss' Pratham
Currently, all the Kannada media channels are talking mostly about actress Sanjjanaa Galrani's involvement in the drug racket. Debates are going on in the media about drugs, network and other connected issues.
Now, in a sudden development, the medias have switched their interest to the actor's religious background. People are ignoring the burning issues that are pestering the nation like China border row, farm bills, Parliamentary session, local civic issues.
But actor Sanjjanaa's conversion to other religion has taken the driver's seat bypassing the other burning issues, as if this is the main issue for the people of our state. However, a few people who have societal responsibilities are sounding sensible pointing out the real issues in the society.
One such Netizen was former Bigg Boss winner, and actor Pratham. Social activist Prashanth Sambargi had stated on the Facebook that Sanjjanaa Galrani had converted to Islam with documents supporting his statement.
Since then all the media channels are buzzing with debates, and talking about the actor about her conversion to Islam. But the good boy Pratham who has tweeted about this matter has requested people to focus on main issues. "Whether Sanjjanaa has become a Muslim or is it a Love jihad is her personal matter. Udupi, South Canara, Belagavi and some other places are now badly affected by floods. People and Cattles are losing their lives. Please bring pressure on the government to protect them," was Pratham's valuable suggestion on his Facebook.
"I am happy and contented with my cultivation of land in my place, but, whenever I occasionally hear news about the current happenings from the medias I am worried why 2020 year has become so cruel. Sanjjanaa getting converted is the not the problem of this country. There is no need to worry or break your head over that woman's life. Whoever wants to go, let them go and do whatever they like to do. It is her wish," stated Pratham on his Facebook wall.
Pratham has further posted, "From today, parliamentary sessions will start. I request the the ruling and opposition parties to stop reciting the names of Ragini and Sanjjanaa and unite to protect people and Cattles of the floods affected areas. I am making this appeal to the elected representatives as an ordinary citizen of this country."
Pratham has also stated that his intention was to bring to the notice of the people that floods are of more consequence than Sanjjanaa's conversion to other religion. Thus Pratham has pointed out about the issues that politicians and media channels have to focus and show their concern towards other issues which require immediate attention.