Striking TSRTC staff, adamant govt should take cue from Modi

Update: 2019-11-11 00:38 IST

The Supreme Court of India had given several land mark and historical judgements but the most contentious dispute pertaining to Ramjanmabhoomi Babri Masjid issue was perhaps the most historical one and would be remembered forever as it has sent a very strong message across the globe that Indians are one and believe in live and let live policy.

It is also a historic decision because it has succeeded in putting an end to the bitterness one has had since 1992 when the Babri Masjid was demolished and both the communities got polarised, frustrated and exhausted in last 27 years.


The verdict has further proved that any problem, howsoever big, it can be resolved by talks. One should understand that the prolonged negotiations between the two communities over the years involving religious heads from both sides did pave the wave for reconciliation.

It is also historic because it has put an end, once and for ever, to politicisation of the issue. The verdict will be remembered as 9/11 in a very positive term.

While the unanimous verdict showed excellent judicial craftsmanship and statesmanship qualities of the bench which had gone by evidence and adhered to letter of law, it also adds to the profile of the BJP government at the Centre that it could resolve two major contentious issues, abrogation of Article 370 and the Ramjanmabhoomi Babri Masjid issue.

What also needs to be appreciated is that the main communities took a decision to avoid triumphalism and said there were no victors not vanquished. This is a real positive sign and demonstration of Ganga Jamuna Tehzeeb in letter and spirit.

Now it is time for all the stakeholders to take speedy measures to facilitate the construction of the Ram temple and the mosque.

It would be necessary for the Modi government to speed up the process of allocation of five acres of land for the construction of the mosque and ensure that the construction of the temple and mosque are taken up without delay and both communities become partners in construction of the two structures.

That would cement the advantage the country had got from the verdict. It would also be better if analysts do not venture into counting the holes in the verdict now or later.

Unfortunately, there are certain elements who try to dissect the past and try to say this will not heal the wounds etc. I am sure if you ask all those who try to find holes in verdict to come with a solution, they would say it is not their job.

Then why try to rub salt on wounds which have almost healed. For a change, this issue should be left at this stage and the country should move forward. Hope intellectuals and analysts are listening.

It's time the political executives in the two Telugu States took a leaf out of the Modi style of resolving contentious issues.

The Supreme Court verdict also sends a message that if the rulers can keep aside their ego and adopt a positive attitude, there is no issue that cannot be resolved including the nearly 40-day old strike of the TSRTC.

Both the government and the unions should give up "I won't and we won't budge" attitude. At the same time, the top bureaucrats should suggest some way out. Though it is the government that has to take a final decision, their proposals could help in finding a way out.

The officers should recall an incident that took place in 1972 when P V Narasimha Rao was the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and the Jai Andhra agitation was at its peak.

Vijayawada was tense following the agitation and the bandh call given by the leaders spearheading the movement. One of PVs friends had died in Vijayawada and the Chief Minister wanted to call on the bereaved family.

Those days there was no concept of using special flights by CMs. He came out of his office and got into his car. The then Chief Secretary stopped him. PV said, "I as the Chief Minister have decided to go."

The CS responded saying, "I am the CS and the head of general administration and I cannot allow you to go. PV did not speak a word and went back to his office.

Couple of days later, he appreciated the decision of the CS in not allowing him to go lest it could have led to more tension. Open mindedness always helps.



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