A peep into the universe

Update: 2022-12-25 00:13 IST

A peep into the universe

 Similarly, the novel "Eva- Lords" by Angkita Sharma is an attempt to dig deep into the theory of Genesis and the creation of the universe with both scientific Inquiry and scriptural wisdom. It is also a treatise on the sociological, psychological and existential dynamics of life.

With utmost meticulousness and elegance, the novelist deconstructs the different dimension of existence and sets out on a journey from without to within which brings about many epiphanic occurrences on the inner landscape. This voyage from the vast immeasurable nothingness to the present day life on the planet earth unravels the shrouded mysteries and illuminates the blind sighted man. Undeniably, since his inception, man has been ceaselessly haunted by certain existential questions. There is a congenital inquisitiveness in a human being to get enlightened about his origin . Therefore, groping in dark, some people see a ray of hope in spirituality and take shelter under the tutelage of a particular religious master whereas the others endeavour to discover the truth by holding the finger of the scientific investigation.


Unfortunately, science and religion have always been at logger heads and emerged as two dichotomous disciplines. "Eva- Lords" merits attention as it strives to blend the otherwise antagonistic forces and delineates a detailed account of the birth of earth followed by the different evolutionary stages of man and animals. There is not an iota of doubt that the author has conducted a profound research not only by going through the scientific documents but also by scanning the voluminous scriptures. With this consequent consummate conglomerate, this book is born out of the deepest recesses of its author's mind and takes the readers once again back to the deepest recesses of the birth of the universe and its various metamorphic stages.

One the one hand, through a long conversation between the two chief characters Eva and Cal Lords, the readers are offered a deft analysis of the evolutionary theories like "Big Bang", on the other, they are also acquainted with the innumerable religious arcane mythologies enshrined in our holy books. The author has a knack of expatiating on the fundamental principles of metaphysics, transcendentalism, existentialism and phenomenology of time and space with an exquisite tinge of romanticism. Abandoning the set canons of the literary genre of fiction writing, the author does not spin a hackneyed yarn about some specific human beings accompanied by a host of other supporting characters. Therefore, the book can not be placed in the block of modern day commonplace novels as both the intent and the mode drastically differ in design and are not in synchronization with the ossified conventions of fictive writings. This innovation is indeed laudable.

Eva Sharma,the chief protagonist ( who is depicted as an author in the book appears to be the alter ego of the novelist Angkita Sharma), has a long conversation with another mysterious character Cal Lords which structures the warp and woof of the entire narrative. The story progresses from the mortal world to the beyond and in the process addresses a number of fundamental issues pertaining of life and life beyond life. The symbolic soul stirring revelations are evocative enough to further whet the curiosity of the readers about the ultimate truth which according to the author dwells only within the inner realms of every being. Although the book is heavily loaded with the abstract philosophical ideas and esoteric assertions yet it does not tax the mind of the readers. A variety of mythological accounts about the coterie of gods and demigods, the incarnates of the divine add to the charms and enhance the appeal of Eva Lords. The biggest paradox lies in the fact that we often remain oblivious to the reality when we are in our so called conscious state and the mystical truths are unfolded to us when we lie unconscious, vegetive and comatose like Eva. So let us have a trip to the subterranean layers of Eva's inner being and experience the sparkling refulgence in the regions engulfed by darkness.



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