Changing one's life through spirituality
Changing one’s life through spirituality
If you are peaceful, if you are joyful, if you are centered, if you do not always feel like running after achievement, then no change is needed. Everything is alright.
Why do you want to change?
Look at this. When you are running after achievement, what is this that you are saying? "I want success." When you say that "I want change", when you say that "I want success", what is that you are saying? "I do not accept things as they are. I want something new which I can call success."
That is proof enough that there is something unsettled in the mind, that the mind is wandering.
If you are constantly looking towards the future, then you already want change. If I am well-settled and joyful in the present, why will I look toward the future? Obviously, I want to change. If I am always in need of entertainment, if I want to watch a movie, if I want to do something that takes away my boredom, then obviously I want to change.
If my mind does not stay firm in one place and is always wandering from here to there, then obviously my mind wants a change. If I sit down to do one thing and I find that the thought of another thing is coming into my mind, then obviously my mind wants to change. If I keep complaining about the situation, then obviously my mind wants to change.
We are desperately in need of change, but we are mistaken in our diagnosis of what the disease is. Yes, there is a great urge in the mind to change but we do not understand that urge.
We want satisfaction but we do not really know where that satisfaction comes from. So we are looking for satisfaction at all the wrong places. We are looking for that satisfaction in the entertainment, in pleasure, in company, in success, in relations. But you will not get it there.
Spirituality is understanding what makes you restless
You have to understand what it is that makes you feel restless. Whatever makes you restless, is not your real nature. You are not born to be restless. Find out what keeps you restless and what will really help you get rid of that restlessness. Restlessness is right now. The change that you want, you want that change right now. So, restlessness is right now.
So, we have said two things. One, it is certain that we are dissatisfied, there is restlessness, this restlessness is evident in every action. It is evident in the way we walk, we eat, and we talk to others. It is evident in the way we use the mobile phone; it is evident in the way we approach our career. It is evident that we are restless. This is the first thing.
The second thing is that we have found false solutions, false treatments for our restlessness. Those false treatments will not work. Find out the real treatment. And when you try to find the real treatment you will incidentally discover that there is no real disease.
The real disease is that you want treatment in the future. You look at the mind, and it becomes silent. Right now, as you are listening to me, there is no problem. You are alright. You are fine. But the moment the mind starts wandering, again there will be lots of problems.
This lack of attention is the problem. Nothing else is the problem.
Real mediation is the solution
Real meditation is the courage to let life change. If you keep meditating without allowing life to change,
this meditation is merely self-deception.
And when I say life must change, I am not talking of something imaginary; I am talking of things very, very tangible. I am talking of your relationships, your job, your house, your surroundings, your attitudes, your ideology. That's what life is, no? That's what the whole content of consciousness is.
If these things are not changing, if your dealings with your customers are not changing, if your relationship with your kids and your neighbors are not changing, if your dietary habits are not changing, if the way you spend money is not changing, if the way you look at the universe and the environment and the monkeys and the animals and the fish, if all that is not changing, of what point is meditation? When you are doing what you must do and not doing what you must not do, that is meditation. This real meditation is very dangerous because it leaves you with no time and no allowance than anything else. You must keep climbing and that is your permanent job. You can't do anything else. Meditation is either continuous or never. It cannot be intermittent. To be continued in service of the deepest is meditation.