Eat your way to stress-free living

Update: 2020-02-29 22:46 IST
People reach out to coffee, alcohol or junk food in the name of stress; these foods are the root cause of stress

Stress is the modern buzz word and I know for a fact that stress affects the body's immune system. Let me tell you that over a period time stress can cause many ailments like colds, cough, flu, blood pressure, heart diseases, and sometimes even cancer!

I have seen people reaching out for coffee, alcohol or junk food when stress overcomes then. The excuses range from "it takes the edge off" to "it calms my nerves". I really need to share with you that these foods are one of the root causes of stress!


I can vouch for the fact that you can have comfort foods that work as stress busters and you must include them in your daily plan. But before that allow me to give you some tips that will help you during stressful times:

 Drink plenty of water as water is the best pick me up. It helps you digest food, assimilate nutrients and excrete waste materials from the body. It gives an instant boost if energy and cools your body down.

• Do not skip breakfast or any meals. If you are working on an empty stomach, stress can be more difficult to handle. An empty stomach will slow you down and hence, increase the stress.

• Avoid fad diets and don't skip any food groups. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are all essential to have a happier you.

• Bananas, also called as "happiness in a peel", produce feel-good chemicals in the body, which is required in today's stressful world. Simply eat a banana at breakfast and watch how your mood stays up throughout the day.

• Potato is the go-to root vegetable to eat when you are feeling gloomy and need a tight hug. This is due to the high content of Vitamin B6 that is present in it. Whether you eat it boiled, mashed, baked or sautéed, it will always satisfy you! Just make sure to steer clear of the fried variety of a potato.

• Ghee is required for its good quality saturated fat which helps in excellent functioning of the brain and prevents depression from setting in.

• Khichdi is usually the first solid food that a baby eats. It is instantly comforting and soothes the mind and the body. It is a good source of complex carbohydrates and protein. Simply top it with ghee and it is a complete food which is easy to digest.

• The humble bread slice is one of the most underrated and feared foods. While most people think bread is unhealthy, it makes for a good comfort food as it has complex carbohydrates. Spread a tiny amount of butter on a toasted bread slice and your mood will take an immediate turn for the better.

Limit your intake of, white sugar, white flour, bad fats from your diet. These foods cause your blood sugar levels to swing drastically which leads to anxiety, irritability, headaches and other signs of stress. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking and tobacco, processed foods, foods high in sugar, soft drinks and common table salt as these substances are extremely toxic to the body.

I am a strong believer that good food good mood. I urge you to remember you can handle whatever life throws at you in a more positive way by eating well, sleeping well coupled with a good exercise regime. Nature has provided us with many foods that help you relax, think more clearly and work more efficiently stress-free. I want you to add one of the most important nutrients Vitamin F– friends and family! 

Drink plenty of water as water is the best pick me up. It helps you digest food, assimilate nutrients and excrete waste materials from the body 




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