How spiritual awakening makes you a better person

Update: 2022-11-12 22:16 IST

How spiritual awakening makes you a better person

What is spiritual awakening? Spiritual awakening is the realisation of the truth. It is waking up from the long dark sleep of ignorance and being enlightened by the fact. It is living in the light of the truth. When we live in the consciousness of the truth, we experience Divine bliss, the state of Satchitananda.

Most of us live in a cosmic illusion. We are ignorant. We think we are the body, mind and ego. We believe God is a person or a saint who lives up somewhere in the skies. The purpose of life is to live a good life, be successful, achieve success and die. But none of this is true. We are neither the body, nor the mind and ego. We are the Atman, the Spirit, the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. God is not a person or a saint. God is a Power. God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power. God is in everything, everywhere. We are all manifestations of God; everything is God. The world needs to be more accurate. It's only a drama, an illusion, and we are actors who come and go. Everything that happens in life is a result of our Karma. Our purpose in life is to realise who we are, to transcend Karma, become one with the Divine, and thus, attain Liberation from all suffering on earth and the Karmic cycle of death and rebirth.

Spiritual awakening transforms us and can lead to metamorphosis as we realise that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but rather, spiritual beings having a human experience. We let go of the desires of the senses. We let go of desires for material things. We no longer crave, nor are we a slave to what our senses want. We transcend our desires. Whatever comes our way, we enjoy it and value it as prasadam from God. We become disciplined. We live with acceptance and surrender. We realise that nothing belongs to us. Our so-called possessions are not ours. We come empty-handed; we will go empty-handed. We come alone; we will return alone. No relationship is permanent. We become detached; we master the art of separate attachment. We realise that the mind is our enemy, an obstacle on our spiritual journey.

Thus, we tame the monkey mind that jumps from thought to thought and make it a monk. We are still the reason, letting go of all the negativity the mind creates. NEP, Negative Energy Poison, is replaced by PEP, Positive Energy Power. We let go of all negative thoughts and emotions. Instead, we live with positivity, with the Power of Positive Energy - with courage, trust, faith, belief, love, and compassion. When we still have the mind, our intellect shines. We are in a state of thoughtlessness and consciousness where we experience true peace and bliss. It is in this state that we can be enlightened with the truth.

We transcend the illusionary ego and, thus, overcome the agony caused by the ego — anger, hate, and jealousy. We realise that each one of us is a Soul. We are not different. This fosters a sense of oneness and brotherhood. We love all. The same respect and love extend to all creatures. It makes us love everyone because we see everybody as a manifestation of the Divine. Therefore, spiritual awakening enables us to not only realise the truth but also leads us into a life of everlasting bliss, Divine Love and eternal peace. Spiritual awakening makes us a better person because we realise our inherent Divinity, that we are a part of the Supreme Immortal Power we call God. Spiritual awakening changes our perspective and our paradigm of life.


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