Spirituality in the age of Kali

Update: 2022-09-04 02:02 IST

When the word Kali is used, it denotes the ancient system of India in the context of Hinduism. It is believed that there are four eras, or Yug as it is known. A Yuga Cycle is a cyclic age in Hindu cosmology. There are four yugas called Satya, Dvapara, Treta, and Kali that make up the mahayuga. The first yuga (Satya) was an age of perfection, lasting 1,728,000 years. The fourth and most-degenerate yuga (Kali) is the present age, which began in 3102 BCE and will last 432,000 years.


We are currently living through the Kali yoga, and here it is prophesized as per Indian scriptures that it will be a period of negativity. This particular period has the most negative energies; therefore, each of us has to strive to fight this by practicing spirituality through yoga, meditation, mindfulness, etc. Here are some ways to build on your own positive energy and successfully conquer negativity in your life.

Learn the power of acceptance

The most important aspect of a peaceful life is the ability to embrace any situation you face. Avoid getting anxious, worried, or angry about circumstances that you may not have any control over. Instead, it will be helpful and productive to adopt a positive outlook towards life and try to see the good behind every experience. This is how you can gain perspective, wisdom, and learning.

Yoga is a proven method for good health

Yoga is an ancient practice that has its origins about 5000 years ago. While the exact date of its origin might be unclear, there is no doubt that yoga is a divine science passed down through the ages by spiritual leaders and practitioners. Whether it is problems of the body, mind or spirit, yoga approaches each aspect and has a permanent solution.

Good health brings positivity

Health is truly the only thing worth investing in. Without health, it is not possible to achieve anything. A sound body leads to a sound mind, and vice versa. When we are in good health, the mind is also at ease, and we can contribute better to whatever task we perform. Without health, we will always be disturbed in mind and distracted unable to focus

Physical alignment influences spiritual alignment

Yoga asanas adhere to the certain scientific alignment of the body. And with the help of these specific alignments, you can make a change in your behaviour and perception. Asanas, pranayama, meditation etc., are all spiritual techniques that come with effective instructions beyond the capacity of human understanding. This is why yoga is for more than just the development of this human physical body.

Yoga enables self-talk

Yoga turns you inwards; through this, you can become your own guide and listen to your intuition. It is this inner voice which directs you towards your growth. Your intuition is your most excellent compass and can protect you against negative or draining energies. Use your judgment and insights to make decisions that can help you achieve your goals and attract abundance into your life.

Spirituality sets you free from negative influences

A spiritual practitioner is not constricted by societal norms of the past or present conditioning. Spiritual practitioners do not succumb to the norm but instead follow their intuition to do what is best for them. And by following your inner voice, you are in a better position to succeed at anything. This will allow you to attract abundance, love, peace, joy, happiness, and balance into your life.



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