The impact of small

Update: 2023-11-19 08:40 IST

When we look around us we can see how the attitude towards people or things which are considered to be big or important is. This is starkly different from the way that we treat people or things that are supposedly smaller in terms of value, wealth, cost, finance, social status, caste etc. Unless and until this difference is equalised and the way that we treat people and objects no matter what social or economics strata they come from becomes balanced we will not be able to progress or experience considerable growth. So when it comes to the material world every single object has its place and value. No matter whether this is referring to an animal, a human being, and plants. Or even be it metaphysical elements such as beings from other planets, every single one of us has a role to play.


It is incorrect to assume that we are of supreme importance because we are mankind. Everything and everybody has a special use and has been created for a certain purpose. Let us consider an example for a moment. Imagine that you are weighing waste material, trash/garbage what we popularly call as scrap material. And while in the process of weighing it, a tiny sparrow comes in and sits on the weighing scales, it won’t make any difference to the weight. But if the same thing happened in a gold shop, and if the sparrow sat on the machine and increased the weight by even a few grams it would make a world of a difference. This shows how the same sparrow though tiny in size can tip the scales of the outcome by such a large margin in a different scenario while making no dent to the result in another situation. So the things that you find in their right place have a lot of value.

The purpose that water fulfills can only be accomplished by water and no other liquid such as milk, curd, petrol or juice etc. this shows us that while living a spiritual life, each and every single object and item has a special purpose and value to it. We cannot possibly underestimate anything and imagine that we are better, bigger or more superior to it. Time will show us what is important to us. At the right time we never know what will become useful to us and this is a lesson for us to treat everything with respect. No one thing is better than the other, no one thing is greater or less important in comparison. Every single living and nonliving thing whether large or small are of extreme importance in this existence so we must maintain a neutral view of all things.



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