Unlocking Inner Strength

Update: 2024-07-07 08:41 IST

Most of us have heard about the word inner strength or inherent power, but not many of us know about its real meaning. So, what is inner strength? How does it help us in practical life? and What exactly nourishes inner strength? These are a few questions that we need to think over to get the

right answer. There is no doubt about it that everyone needs inner strength regardless of their business, profession, vocation, occupation. Why? Because it provides will power which helps one to tide over in critical situations.


It is a very well-known fact that when people do something good, they naturally want the world to know about it and appreciate them for it. However, if they do something bad, they prefer that no one should know and hence they try to hide it. As a matter of fact, a person who has developed a personal ethical policy of not defaming or insulting anyone generates considerable inner strength from this inner discipline and consequently receives deep love and respect from others. In the process of consolidating such an ethical policy one becomes sensitive to the feelings of others, as well as generating the inner power to tolerate unpleasant truths about self, and realize what personal changes are required. Making those changes permanent and indelible is a proof of inner integrity and strength.

Practising such self-restraint generates the power to tolerate various social and personal challenges, defamation and the phenomenon of having one’s motivations questioned. It mitigates any remaining hunger for praise, recognition and regard.

One must always keep this in mind that we are all on a journey of lifelong learning. Hence, learning to let go of ego, dishonesty or superficial interaction with others is not a small thing. There are many fears to be faced and in this whole journey, the heart is often broken, disillusioned and in pain. We try best to cover these wounds with many attractive bandages, but eventually we need to remove them and begin the process of healing the wounds and become whole again. It sounds simple while reading, but practically it is not so easy to develop an attitude of renunciation and decide to live simply, economically and with ease and freedom. Why? simply because we all are deeply attached to our limitations and the chains that bind us. Moreover, individual karmic accounts have led to accumulation of unlimited negativity in one’s sanskaras, thereby compelling souls to forget their original loving nature of peace and love and behave rudely.

Today we see that the vices of greed have penetrated at all the levels in society, be it political, civil and even medicine too. With massive scandals happening on a daily basis, there has been a “trust deficit” in society at a mass scale, putting the entire humanity in turmoil. Under such a scenario, how can one even think of experiencing inner power and inner peace?

The only hope for humankind under such a crisis lies in the almighty’s wisdom & connectivity, by which we feel blessed, energetic & secured, forit is this divine wisdom which empowers us to have a clear vision of ourselves and our roles in this world drama. With trust and courage, if we take a step of determination, then we would surely receive the strength to shed the false accoutrements and make ourselves clean and free from dependencies. Just Remember! It is a small price to pay for the great gain of personal freedom, fulfilment and independence.



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