Vibrate on a higher level
Vibrate on a higher level
The kind of life that an individual is living and the energy that he gives out will be the kind of experience that he invites towards him.
This is similar to the logic of the fact that our health is determined by the kind of food that we eat. When we eat nutritious food, we will also be strong and agile but if we consume a lot of junk food then the body will suffer from lethargy, diabetes, obesity and a whole host of other such issues.
In a similar fashion, stop and take a look at the kind of life that you are living. If you are treating yourself poorly and living from a low vibration what you attract towards you will also be a similar kind of energy. But on the other hand if you want to live your best life and experience great things then you must accordingly raise your vibration to such a level that will draw similar vibrational frequencies towards yourself. If you look at this on the material plane then in order to experience materialistic wealth you must earn more money, and accumulate wealth in this way. But from a spiritual point of view, we are all energy and exhibit a certain vibrational frequency depending on what we do. To increase this frequency of vibration we must accordingly act in such way that we can evolve and raise the level of our consciousness higher then what we are currently having. You can understand this by the example of booking a flight ticket. Whether you book an economy class ticket or if you purchase a business class ticket both will take you eventually to the same destination.
However, the difference will simply be the journey while you are heading to the destination. So, if you want to improve the quality of your life and enjoy the finer things that universe has to offer you must simply raise your vibration and this will be possible by a constant and consistent practice of spiritual techniques like Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, Pranayama and so on. In this way you will be able to vibrate on a higher frequency and attract a similar set of vibration experience and make your life as beautiful as possible.