Exploring modern literature’s impact on society

Update: 2024-06-30 08:44 IST

In a recent interview, author Sonali Sharma shared her deep-seated passion for literature and writing, reflecting on her journey from a background in finance to founding ContentBank, a content management agency. “Since my early childhood, I have been surrounded by books,” she revealed, attributing her love for literature to her mother’s early introduction to reading. “Literature made me discover myself to some extent,” she mused, emphasizing how it connects us to the essence of living in the present moment.


Discussing her book ‘Life Explored’, Sharma described it as “a collection of stories inspired by true events,” drawn from encounters during her travels. “The ordinary incidents, daily routines, and little moments of life are no less than stories,” she remarked, highlighting the profound narratives hidden in everyday experiences.

When asked about her views on the current state of literature, Sharma offered a nuanced perspective. “These days, there’s a growing appreciation for the beauty and diversity of literature,” she observed. However, she also noted a prevalent misconception among some, especially younger readers, who view literature narrowly through genres like romance and erotica. “There’s more to literature than these genres,” she cautioned, expressing concern over the sometimes-unnecessary emphasis on vulgarity in modern depictions.

Reflecting on changes in reading habits, Sharma noted a positive shift post-pandemic. “I’ve seen more people picking up books in places like metros and trains,” she shared. She credited social media and the influence of book bloggers and influencers for inspiring this renewed interest in reading. “People are rediscovering the joy of reading and sharing their literary journeys,” she added, optimistic about the impact of these trends on society.

Regarding literature’s role in contemporary society, Sharma underscored its transformative potential. “I believe in the power of words,” she asserted. “Literature, when wielded effectively, can enlighten, provoke thought, and foster empathy,” she concluded, highlighting its capacity to drive positive change in an interconnected world.



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