Sugandha Pallan: Exploring the Art of Storytelling

Update: 2024-06-23 09:29 IST

Sugandha, known by her pen name Sugandha Pallan, has swiftly carved a niche for herself in the literary world with her compelling works that span poetry and thrilling narratives. Born in 1995 in Delhi, India, Sugandha’s journey from a young poet to an esteemed writer has been marked by creativity and passion.

Her literary career took flight during her college years, where she discovered her love for poetry. Her debut publication, “Mother, God, Me & The World,” a poignant collection of over 30 poems, introduced readers to her introspective style and profound reflections.


However, it was her venture into the realm of fiction that truly catapulted Sugandha to national and international acclaim. Her first novel, “Where the Dead Come Alive,” not only showcased her versatility but also cemented her reputation as a storyteller adept at weaving suspenseful tales. In a recent conversation with The Hans India, Sugandha candidly shared insights into her literary odyssey:

Crafting Stories: Advice and Process

When asked about advice for aspiring writers, Sugandha emphasized the importance of simply writing without the pressure of perfection. She encouraged new writers to embrace free writing as a tool to clear the mind and foster creativity.

Regarding her creative process, Sugandha revealed that the plot typically precedes the characters in her works. She believes that a strong plot provides a framework within which characters can evolve and drive the narrative forward.

Essential Elements of Good Writing

Discussing the essence of good writing, Sugandha highlighted the power of suggestion over explanation. She expressed a preference for writing that engages readers’ imaginations without burdening them with excessive detail or overly complex language.

Professional Endeavours and Future Aspirations

For Sugandha, writing is not merely a passion but a full-time career. Beyond her books, she is actively involved in writing for television and entertainment apps, currently serving as a promo producer.

Literary Works and Inspirations

To date, Sugandha has authored two books, both of which hold a special place in her heart. While she finds it challenging to pick a favorite between her debut poetry collection and her thrilling novel, she likens the choice to asking a mother to choose her favorite child.

Accessibility and Engagement

Readers keen on exploring Sugandha’s literary universe can find her books available internationally, including on platforms like Amazon, ensuring accessibility across borders.

Beyond the Blurb: Insights and Themes

Offering a glimpse beyond the book blurbs, Sugandha teased readers with the promise of a shocking twist at the story’s conclusion, underscoring the unpredictable nature of her narrative.

Future Prospects and Adaptations

Regarding the future of her characters and the possibility of a sequel, Sugandha hinted at an open-ended climax that leaves room for future developments based on audience reception.

From Page to Screen

Considering the cinematic potential of her works, Sugandha mused over potential casting choices, expressing a preference for Alia Bhatt to embody the protagonist if her novel were adapted into a movie.

Navigating Challenges: Poetry to Thriller

Reflecting on her transition from poetry to thriller writing, Sugandha acknowledged the substantial challenges posed by the shift in genre. Despite this, she found herself captivated by the plot of “Where the Dead Come Alive,” compelling her to embrace the unfamiliar terrain with conviction.

Sugandha Pallan’s literary journey exemplifies dedication, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of storytelling excellence. As she continues to captivate readers with her evocative prose and intriguing narratives, her contributions to the literary landscape are sure to endure, inspiring both seasoned enthusiasts and budding writers alike.



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