Do silver anklets benefit body?

Update: 2022-03-06 01:34 IST

Anklets account for more than 34 per cent of the total silver market. We are all obsessed with gold as Indians, but anklets made of yellow metal are never worn on the feet because they represent the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. As a result, anklets and toe rings are made entirely of silver.

Amit Gilra, Associate Director, Augmont Gold For All said: "The significance that anklets carry has been diluted in the cities and is limited to weddings. In the southern part of India silver is used as gifts and as holy puja items during the naming ceremony of babies, engagement ceremonies and even during pujas during major Indian festivals like Diwali and Holi.


According to Indian Ancient astrologers, Silver is associated with the moon. It is believed that silver was produced from the eyes of Lord Shiva due to which Silver is a symbol of prosperity. So whosoever wears silver is fulfilled with prosperity according to traditions."

More than an ornament, less than a medicine

• While anklets are of prime importance in Indian culture, the ornament also finds a prominent place in ancient cultures of Egypt and the Middle East. This is because it goes beyond beauty and benefits in aspects of health and overall wellbeing.

• Silver is a reactive metal and it reflects and reverts back the energy radiated from one's body. Most of our energies leave our bodies from hands and feet and metals like silver, bronze act as a hindrance, helping the energy revibrant back into our bodies. This helps to gain more positivity and zeal. According to Ayurveda and modern science, silver reacts well with the Earth's energy, while gold reacts well with the body's energy and aura. Therefore, silver is worn as anklets or toe rings while gold is used to adorn the upper parts of the body.

• Looking back at history, silver was identified for its antibacterial properties. Thousands of years ago, when sailors used to travel on long voyages, they used to carry silver coins with them, rest those coins in their bottles of water. They used to drink the silver induced water as it was a good disinfectant. Silver ions destroy bacterial sheaths and this is a major reason why women even in tier 2 and 3 cities invest in silver anklets.

• Additionally, women spend a huge amount of time standing in the kitchen and toiling in the household chores. They often end up with swollen or painful feet. The pain travels through the lower back spine all the way to the legs.



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