Ease menstrual discomfort with yoga

Update: 2020-04-15 22:30 IST

Every 28 days or so, there are millions of women all over the world who dread their monthly cycle. Premenstrual symptoms vary from person to person, and depend on many factors such as lifestyle, weight, constitution, even age etc. While some enjoy a pain-free period, there are others who suffer from nausea, severe cramping, lower back pain, excessive bloating, migraine or headaches and irregularity in your menses etc. The nature of menstruation varies from woman to woman, as well as the flow. You should know that yoga can play a significant role in regulating your monthly cycle and also alleviating the pain to a great extent.


For women, one of the most important concerns is menstrual hygiene and health. There are specific yoga poses that can widen the pelvic opening reducing any congestion. You can make the days of your monthly cycle as cramp-free as possible by including some light yoga practice into your routine. Even a few slow yoga moves, gentle stretching coupled with some deep breathing, and Om chanting will prove to be most beneficial. This will also be useful in balancing emotions that may otherwise cause irritability, mood swings, depression, anxiety or anger.

Yoga helps you improve your physical fitness levels and keeps you cramp-free during your periods. Recommended asanas such as the following can be practised to improve your menstrual health without putting your body through too much strain.

Balasana (Child's pose)

Formation of the posture

• Kneel down on mat and sit on

your heels.

• Inhale and raise arms above head

• Exhale and bend your upper body forward

• Place your forehead on the floor

• Pelvis should rest on the heels

• Ensure that your back is not hunched


• Helps relieve fatigue. This is a resting pose to relax the body

• The regulated breathing restores a state of calm

• The pose lengthens and stretches out the spine

• It also gently stretches the ankles, hips and shoulders

• Stimulates digestion

• By stretching the spine, it eases neck and back pain

Dandasana (Staff pose)

Formation of the posture

• Sit down on the ground and begin with Sukhasana

• Ensure that your back is erect

• Stretch your legs out in front of you. Your legs must be parallel to each other, and toes should be pointed upwards

• Tighten the muscles of your pelvis, thighs and calves

• Align your head in such a way that the crown faces the ceiling and the focus of your gaze is forward. This will automatically straighten and lengthen your spine

• Place your palms beside your hips on the floor. This will support your spine and also relax your shoulders.

• Hold the asana for a while


• This asana helps to strengthen the muscles on your back

• It also helps to stretch the chest and the shoulders

• Improves your posture

• It stretches out the muscles of the lower body

• The abdomen is stretched and strengthened as well

• It is known to cure sciatica and asthma

• This asana helps to focus and calm the mind. When paired with proper breathing, it relieves stress and helps enhance concentration

Baddha Konasana (Bound angle pose)

Formation of the posture

• Begin by assuming Dandasana

• Fold your legs and bring the soles of your feet together

• Pull your heels closer to your pelvis

• Gently push your knees down

• Empty air from your stomach, lean your upper body forward and place your forehead on the floor


• Makes hip flexors flexible

•Strengthens pelvic region

• Mobilises the knee caps

Paschimottanasana(Seated forward bending)

Formation of the posture

• Begin with Dandasana

• Ensure that your knees are slightly bent while your legs are stretched out forward

• Extend your arms upward and keep your spine erect

• Exhale and empty your stomachof air

• With the exhale, bend forward at the hip and place your upper body on your lower body

• Lower your arms and grip your big toes with your fingers

• Try to touch your knees with your nose

• Hold the asana for a while


• It acts as a stress reliever

• Reduces fatty deposits in the abdomen

• Removes anxiety, anger and irritability

• Calms the mind

Stretches the spine and brings flexibility

• Good for constipation and digestive disorder

• Useful for increasing height in young practitioners by stretching of the spine

• Tones the abdominal pelvic organs

• Balance the menstrual cycles

• This asana is recommended especially for women after delivery.

(The writer is a philanthropist, spiritual master, lifestyle coach, yoga-preneur and author)



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