Jojoba oil for beautiful skin

Update: 2020-11-29 23:32 IST

Jojoba oil for beautiful skin

Jojoba oil has numerous benefits when applied to the skin, which is why it is used in many cosmetics and beauty products. The jojoba plant is a hearty, perennial plant that grows in North America. Not only does it thrive in the harsh, desert climates that could kill most living things, but it also produces a nut with many healing properties. The nut of the jojoba plant can be made into an oil. Jojoba oil is gentle enough to be used as a carrier oil to mix with other essential oils. You can also use it on its own.


Here is a list of benefits of using this beauty potion.

Retains moisture

Jojoba oil is a humectant. It means that it helps to retain moisture in the skin by sealing the skin with a protective barrier. This not only keeps the skin hydrated, supple, and moisturized but also prevents bacterial infection and acne by preventing the build-up of bacteria in the pores.

Natural cleanser

The idea is to use oils instead of soaps or other face wash with harsh chemicals to cleanse the face and remove the dirt and grime from the skin. You can use Jojoba oil to gently cleanse the skin, without tugging or pulling the skin. Just rinse your face with warm water and a soft cloth. Then apply a few drops of jojoba oil onto the face using clean hands.

Rich in antibacterial properties

Jojoba oil contains antifungal as well as antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria, causing salmonella, an E. coli infection, and candida. By forming a protective barrier, it prevents the build-up of bacteria on the skin, thereby preventing acne and other bacterial infections.

Rich in antioxidant properties

Vitamin E, as we all know, acts as an antioxidant when applied to the skin. Jojoba oil contains vitamin E. This implies that this magic oil can protect your skin from stress caused due to everyday exposure to toxins and other pollutants.

Great makeup remover

We have already discussed above how jojoba oil can be used as a natural cleanser. In addition to its other benefits, jojoba oil can also be used as an excellent makeup remover. Simply add a few drops of jojoba oil onto a cotton pad and use it to wipe off your makeup. You will be surprised at how easily the makeup removes itself and glides along with the cotton.

Treats sunburns

Jojoba oil is a popular ingredient in sunscreens and can be used as a natural sunscreen. It can also be used to treat sunburns. Jojoba soothes the burnt skin while healing them, which helps to alleviate the pain after a sunburn. Sun damage can leave the skin dry and flaky. This is when the moisturizing properties of jojoba oil will kick in. Overall, it's a great idea to apply jojoba oil on the skin after a day spent under the hot, scorching sun.

Treats acne

Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory agents. These, along with its healing, antimicrobial and moisturizing properties, gives us good reason to believe that jojoba oil, when applied on the skin can treat mild acne. 



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