Make up the right way this summer
Five makeup essentials to carry along this festive season
Summer is full of wonderful things but melting makeup, smeared eyeliner, and super-sticky lipstick are not among them. Here are things that you could consider for a smudge free make up
Setting a solid foundation:
Start with clean skin: Wash your face with your regular soap or cleanser before applying any makeup. Makeup will stay on a clean face longer. This will also help remove any sweat that's already stuck to your face.
Apply an oil-free moisturizer before putting on makeup: Moisturizing can help your skin stay hydrated throughout the day. Healthier skin will retain makeup easier. Go for an oil-free moisturizer and apply it to your face in the morning before adding your makeup
Opt for a cooling primer: Not only does primer make makeup go on easier, it can help you stay cool. The less you sweat, the less damage is done to your makeup. Look for a primer that hydrates the face and helps cool down skin.
You can find these primers online, at a salon, and in some department stores.
Choose a liquid foundation: Liquid foundations hold up much better under the heat than powder varieties.
In addition to opting for a liquid foundation, look for a sheer and light brand. This will minimize sweat and keep your makeup intact longer.
Use light coverage when applying the foundation: Only apply a light layer of foundation to keep your face cool. Instead of applying foundation across your face, focus on covering things like blemishes and discoloration.
Conceal lightly: If you use concealer, only use a small amount. Focus on areas that aren't covered adequately with foundation, such as discolored spots or blemishes only.
Use waterproof eye makeup only: You can purchase waterproof mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow at most salons and department stores. These items are vital if you want to keep your eye makeup from running during warm days.