My cognition boosting strategy
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From work deadlines, organising a girl's night to your little one's lunch box; everything takes precedence over your mental cognition. No more ladies! It is time to prioritize brain health. Say goodbye to dipping concentration and memory gaps, your brain is about to be revamped. Follow my brain-boosting tips and together we just can't help but succeed.
Crazy without carbs
Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel to the brain. So smarten up with a variety of vegetables and fruits including the mighty banana. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium and magnesium. The potassium helps deliver oxygen to the brain and magnesium promotes proper electrical activity between nerve cells in the brain. Both of these nutrients aid normal cognitive function and help keep the brain sharp. We have an array of carbohydrate rich grains to choose from. Would be silly of you to cut them out.
Fabulous fats
If you want the brain to function, you need to eat fat; I can't be more direct than that. More than half your brain is made up of fat and for it to run smoothly it requires a steady supply of good quality fat. Desi cow's ghee is proven to boost memory with its high Vitamin A content. Coconut helps absorb fat soluble vitamins, all of which are required for cognition. The omega-3 rich walnuts are well documented brain boosters too.
Simply cinnamon
They say even a tiny sniff of cinnamon can improve memory considerably. Imagine the effects a pinch of cinnamon would have on your cognition. Containing super anti-oxidant- Manganese, cinnamon gets those rusty gears rolling.
Vitamins that vitalise
I believe the first step in your journey to good health is correcting your D3 and B levels. These vitamins keep your brain energized and concentration un-wavered. Sunlight gives you your much needed Vitamin D3. Wholegrains, whole pulses, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables give you the much needed B vitamins. You may need supplementation for B12.
Win with water
plain, ole water is all you need to detoxify your mind. A well hydrated body and brain is free of headaches, and brain fog - caused by dehydration. Minimum of 2-3 litres of water daily should sort you out.
There is nothing a good night's sleep cannot solve. Sleep gives your brain the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. Sleeping well, balances hormones, prevents obesity and stabilizes the mind. You will be amazed how sharp and alert you will feel after good quality sleep.
Active to activate
Regular exercise and movement is not only required to shrink the waist but to also keep your brain active and keep it refreshed. Remember, a brain which doesn't work smoothly is a playground for degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, dementia and anxiety and depression. So power up and plan your cognition boosting strategy today!