Skin care for teens
Skin changes are a natural part of your teenage years. Frequent breakouts, acne scars, facial hair, dullness and tanning are some common problems teenagers face. Nearly 75 per cent teenagers develop a love and hate relationship with their skin during this period.
Teenage is not an easy phase to deal with the challenges of teen skin are sizable. Gushing hormones, friends, peer pressure lead to enlargement of the oil glands, making teen skin oily and creating large pores, blackheads and the dreaded acne.
During this period our skin is influenced by many factors. It is affected by our diets, habits and lifestyle, as well as exposure to the elements. The body also goes through many changes during the various phases of growth, development and maturity. Hormonal changes and imbalances during these times also influence the skin.
It is a misconception that acne is something teenagers must live with. As a teenager, you may be told that you will 'grow out of it'.
Yes, acne may disappear with time, but it leaves scars that remain. Therefore, it is imperative that the condition be checked from spreading. Acne can be controlled and even prevented if appropriate measures are taken on time. As a teenager, learn to understand your skin and give it the kind of care that it needs. You should also recognise the value of professional care and seek help in a good time. Here are the top skin tips for teen skin care.
'Cleansing' is the keyword for an oily skin. Daily cleansing and skin care, with appropriate products, is the only way of preventing acne and other oily-skin conditions. Oily skins tend to attract more dirt. The pores must be kept free of hardened oil and the oiliness of the skin surface must also be reduced. Therefore, you need a medicated cleanser, face wash that is specially formulated for acne prone and oily skins. Use plenty of water to wash off all traces of the cleanser.
In order to deep cleanse the skin, a scrub or cleansing grains should be rubbed gently on the skin. This helps to keep the pores free of oil. Blackheads are also dislodged and discouraged from forming. However, scrubs should not be applied on pimples, acne or rash. Frequent washing with soap and water is not advocated. Do not wash your face with soap more than two or three times a day. Avoid the use of oily cleansing and nourishing creams. If the outer layer feels taut, as in winter, use a light liquid moisturiser.
If pimples and acne make an appearance, never hesitate to seek professional help. For such problems, medicated lotions, ointments and face packs are available and can be added to the daily skin care routine. Make sure that your hair and scalp are kept scrupulously clean. Dandruff and other conditions can lead to pimples and acne.You can opt for clinical treatment for acne, with cleansing and extraction of blackheads. Veg Peel treatments are recommended for the pits (tiny holes) in the skin, left by acne.