Customer-centric culture needs to be cultivated

Update: 2021-02-28 01:01 IST

Customer-centric culture needs to be cultivated

Customer service varies from organisation to organisation, person to pesson. It's time to adhere to an approach of customer service which is desirable in all spheres of activity.

For instance, with digital footprint on an active mode, we have the sampling mode of feedback extensively used to generate our customer experience of a product or service offering.

If we look at the operations of a bank payment, the immediate focus is on our experience in banking or on the fastness, approach, customer conversation which is practiced quite well.

We live in a digital age where all communication is online rather than offline. How many are addressing this crucial question? Do we visit post offices for a speed post or are we done with just a n emailer.

We are forgetting the traditional approach which is the backbone of our present digital connect. Offline or Online? Impact of these platforms speaks volumes.

In a digitised world, we are all as disconnected while in a traditional approach , we are garnered to be more connected but it has ceased to be present. Time to rethink our approach to CRM.

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Corrective Measures

Way ahead:

• Corrective measures

• Setting Milestones

• Pragmatic Strategies

• Benchmarking

• Meeting Customer


• Effective Surveys

• Team management

With a focused realistic approach, we can make corrective measures to improve the CRM amongst the stakeholders.

Milestones play a pivotal role in attaining the penultimate result which reflects the core values and leadership of the organisation. Strategies have to be effective, practical and result oriented benefitting all key stakeholders.

The core purpose of an organisational entity is to benchmark which is the edge it carves out from the rest.Thought leadership brings in the best mind sets.

Customers have a number of expectations, not all can be met, but focussing on those which mutually benefit both the organisation and customer will lead to an optimum level of performance & satisfaction.

Good surveys are indicators of the growth component and one can implement the research results for better functioning.

It should be done consistently. Good teams and people build institutions, driving them for innovation par excellence. Lets nurture good teams and leaders and institutions.

The hallmark of any successful organisation is best practices of CRM. When its people internal or external are happy, the organisation stands as a harbinger of growth.

People have to be developed across the way through investment in their growth and potential. Providing opportunities for all evenly, based on their potential, expertise, requirement has to be taken into consideration.


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