NTA JEE Main exams 2021: Admit cards for session 4 exam released, here is the direct link
NTA JEE Main exams 2021

The Admit Card for Joint Entrance Examination Mains Session 4 exam has been released on the official website on Sunday. The candidates are advised to download their admit card from the official website - https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/ by entering their Application No, Date of Birth, and Security Pin. The session 4 exams will be held from August 26 to September 2, 2021.
The candidate is required to attend the examination as per the schedule and time mentioned on the admit card. However, it is advised that Candidates need to approach the NTA helpline number in case of hall ticket is not downloaded.
The candidates appearing for the exam should thoroughly read and follow the instructions mentioned in the admit card. It is also advised to adhere to the covid-19 protocols.
Here is how to download Admit Card?
1) Visit the official website - jeemain.nta.nic.in.
2) Click on Download JEE(Main) 2021 based on the exam being taken sucha as B. Tech B. Arch.
3) The candidate will be directed to a login page
4) Then required credentials need to be entered and submitted.
5) NTA JEE Main Admit Card will appear on your screen to download.