TSCETs schedule released

Update: 2021-02-13 01:27 IST

TSCETs schedule released

Hyderabad: The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) on Friday released the schedule for the eighth Telangana State Common Entrance Tests (CETs) for the year 2021-22 for admission into various undergraduate and postgraduate professional courses.

TSCHE, Chairman, Prof T Papi Reddy, in a statement, said that Convenors for the TS CETs of 2021 have been appointed. Accordingly, the Telangana State Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test ( TS-Eamcet-2021) will be held from July 5 to 9, 2021.Similarly, Telangana State Engineering Common Entrance Test (TS ECET) will be held on July 1, 2021.

Osmania University will conduct the Telangana State Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test-2021 (TS PGECET-2021). For admissions into ME, MTech, MPharma, M Arch, Pharm D (PB) etc, courses will be held on June 20 onwards.

The examination dates of Telangana State Education Common Entrance Test (TS EDCET), Telangana State Law Common Entrance Test (TS LAWCET) and PG Law Common Entrance Test (PG LAWCET), and Telangana State Physical Education Common Entrance Test (TS PECET), Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test (TS ICET) are to be decided and will be announced later.

Prof K Raji Reddy, Department of Commerce and Business Management of Kakatiya University, has been appointed as Convener of TS ICET-2021. Prof G B Reddy, University College of Law of OU, has been appointed as Convener of TS LAWCET-2021 and TSPG LAWCET-2021.

Prof Satyanarayana, Department of Physical Education of Mahatma Gandhi University, has been appointed for TS PECET-202, Prof Papi Reddy said.


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