Voted to power to address pressing issues

Update: 2024-06-06 09:19 IST

Surprises are galore in the 2024 verdict by the Indian voter, both at national and state levels. Plenty of time is there for general public and experts to fathom out reasons for debacles as well as resounding successes, such as those in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha or elsewhere across the nation. But, there is no such luxury for the winners. They have to beat the clock in realising the hopes they kindled among people.


Nara Chandrababu Naidu has proved himself a classic example of ‘When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.’ In stark contrast, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, for many reasons, lost out on messaging and failed to be in sync with realities of the times. Arrogating to himself the ability to know what all the people need made him miss out on people’s aspirations and perceptions. Focusing on doles, without dwelling on what he did to better economy, jobs and infrastructure, did him in and no mistake.

Jagan Reddy’s debacle shows that facing challenges upfront to improve their lot, people are in no condoning mood to snub any failures lightly. Wherever they deemed it fit, they delivered a tight slap in the face of rulers, be it in 2019 and 2024. Of course, the populist magic of TDP manifesto, with the combined might of allies, did the trick. Naidu gauzed well the public mind and promised what they want dearly in a state shorn of a capital, lagging in jobs and employment, and wanting in public amenities. If the Jagan government did provide any development, it was lost in rhetoric against the opposition. A vote against him is definitely a ‘no’ to vendetta politics.

Be that as it may, as the losers floundered and fell by wayside, it is for the victors now to get cracking on delivering their promises to the people. In this respect, compared to the state government heads, the responsibility of Narendra Modi is quite huge. Taking a good cognisance of his government achievements during the past decade, they chose him again, though with a rider. He, indeed, got a reality check. A growing nation hungering for tangible progress, rather than emotional gratification on account of caste or religious thrust, it saw him fit again to steer its destiny to be a developed economy, a plethora of hurdles notwithstanding.

Modi needs to harp back on his development mantra lest the huge demographic dividend of youth be laid waste. Here credit must be given to Rahul Gandhi who has been upfront on raising the issues of jobs and unemployment. Centre should take lead in Industry promotion as well as upskilling youth so the states can take cue. Lifting 25 crore people above poverty line is not enough. Their rising aspirations must be met with wealth creation. Growing health expenses are a constraint. Public health infra needs more investments. Food inflation is another persistent worry. The country will gain a lot from self-sufficiency in pulses and millets.

A big takeaway from the people’s verdict is that they snipped NDA’s majority to drive home the message that the ‘Janata Janardhan’ is watching. They set in a consensus era by rooting for regional parties, whose support has become so crucial for NDA sustenance. Modi’s timely congratulatory call to Naidu is a case in point. The truncated State of Andhra Pradesh needs a large metropolis, be it a greenfield Amaravati or any city, to woo investments. A key role for TDP in the NDA efforts will likely make Modi concede the genuine needs and right demands of Andhra Pradesh for a liberal dose of central aid.



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