Congress making itself a laughing stock

Update: 2022-06-19 02:08 IST

Your editorial, 'Congress protests: A mockery of democracy' is a fitting observation. It was not a foisted case by the ruling party. It is a legal case. When the ED is discharging its constitutional duty why should they beat their chests as if a great sacrilege was committed by the government? Maybe the first family is everything for the flatterers of senile Congress and for them the Gandhis may be above the law of the land, but for India and the prevailing law they are allegedly involved in money laundering in the national herald case and the case was filed by a private person Subramanyam Swamy. Instead of feeling shameful, the Congress elected members and the sympathisers held rallies and when police took right action against the Gandhis. This is all a big stage-managed drama and people are laughing at the ignorance of the Congress leaders. Let the party allow their leader face the ED and come out clean.


Recall Narendra Modi's conduct when he was accused of riots that broke out after Godra train carnage and when he was tightly pinned down by then vengeful Congress government. He bravely faced the ED and he was grilled for a fortnight and kept under their custody for days together and came clean sans the support of any party and its top leaders.

Rama Krishna M, Kakinada


The second-rung Congress leaders who are not cared for by the royalty go out of the way to prove their loyalties to the masters. They have gone to extent of braving the climate and police action to ensure they are noticed by the empress and the prince. This is the ultimate display of sycophancy which is the basis the party thrives upon. This is not going to take them anywhere. The workers are fretting and fuming at the abysmal level the party leaders went to – to just save the Gandhis' assets. The entire party has become a laughing stock of the nation by trying to block the due process of law. This whole display is going to result in further deterioration of the party in future elections.

J Kannan, Hyderabad

The protests by the Congress party, when ED has summoned Rahul Gandhi for investigation, are meaningless and ruining the Congress party's image. Congress ruled the Country for more than 60 years and ruined the country. It is well known that the Congress looted the country. It is very bad on the part of Congress to say that no authority can question them for their looting. They are digging their own grave and they will lose in the coming elections measurably, if they continue to protest. The Congress party must understand this.

Sambasiva Rao Choda, Hyderabad



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