Do we need new Constitution?

Update: 2022-02-17 00:18 IST

For representational purpose only

Provide jobs first

There is absolutely no need to rewrite or for that matter, bring in any amendments to the existing Constitution as the founding fathers (definitely the Congress party) have already taken care of several issues\welfare measures affecting the downtrodden sections for improving their standard of living over the last several decades. Whatever may be the intentions of any political leaders, it has to be at least now realised that every government has to run viably with adequate income, including the Central government. Political intentions\ ambitions may be very huge and vast like the sky, but then where is the money one should ponder about? The sources of money generation are getting reduced for different unavoidable calamities both at the Centre or at States. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao's quotation 'throw BJP out, and rewrite Constitution' may be catchy, but to bring uniformity in all-round development and to arrive at a common nation's requirements is not that easy and Indian politics is certain to face severe tremendous changes in the next couple of years. The need of the day is to provide jobs, not to rewrite Constitution.


- Katuru Durga Prasad Rao, Hyderabad

Attempts to rewrite Constitution would be futile

Our Constitution is branded as one of the finest versions and most versatile in the world. The evolution of our Constitution through the Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD) exemplifies the toiling efforts of our constitutional makers in making it what it is today. It's a collective effort of the luminaries transcending various professions, places and religions and it would be a herculean task to replicate the same effort now. Keeping the basic structure intact, successive governments have been amending the Constitution as and when required in a democratic way. The essence of the Preamble has been enriched and diversified by the addition of two significant credentials namely the Republic & the Secular. All the giant leaps made by the country in various sectors since independence have been realised due to the flexible nature of our Constitution. Any attempt to rewrite the Constitution would be futile given the shortsightedness and the narrow-mindedness of our leaders.

- Satish Reddy Kanaganti, Research Scholar, Nalgonda 

Idea of new Constitution is ill-conceived

I strongly believe that this idea of new Constitution is ill-conceived and has been mooted with oblique intentions. There have been amendments, and addition/ deletion of articles in the Constitution, many of them for undesirable reasons, political advantages and appeasements.

- Dr Mohan Gupta, Aarogya Hospital, Moazzam Jahi Market, Hyderabad

No new Constitution, all we need is a few changes

It's not possible for anyone to draft a new Constitution. In fact, there is no need for redrafting the Constitution as it has all features to protect all sections of people. All that we need is to bring in some changes in accordance with the present day scenario.

- Sampeta Sudhakar, photographer, Hanumakonda

We need 'New Thinking', not new Constitution

Our Constitution was well-researched and written by the stalwarts who were visionaries without any bias against any section of our citizens following different religions. I don't think we have such stalwarts who can draft a new Constitution now. Over the years, several changes were made and only a few had benefited the people. Instead of debating on the need to draft a new Constitution, the intellectuals should keep their eyes and ears open and keep away from politicians who often attempt to tamper our Constitution to benefit them politically. What the Constitution needs is to empower the people with rights to keep a check on not only the rulers, but focus more on self-governance from the grassroots so that we don't need our PM to use our own money to tell us on how to keep our surroundings clean. The people, that is voters, should have the power and right to recall their representatives who fail to perform or change their parties at the drop of the hat. We cannot have ministers like Ramdas Athawale, who continues to defraud the voters or a young Minister like Anurag Thakur who promotes killing or a minister whose son is involved in openly running over his vehicle over those who are agitating. Our constitution should be for, of, by the people and for those who are empowered by us. We don't need "New Constitution", what we need is "New thinking".

- N Nagarajan, Hyderabad



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